Morgan Grondin

I am a Certified BEST Birth & Postpartum Doula. I have been married to my firefighter husband, Andrew, for 12 years. We have two children Haisley(9) & Reed(8)

My desire to support mamas during labor and postpartum started after my 2nd baby was born.  I started helping my friends that were having babies, and then it turned into a passion and full time job when someone pointed out that I was basically being a doula for others.  
Morgan Grondin


Why did I decide to be a Doula?

My first birth was beautiful. I went into labor early in the morning. My husband took me to the hospital and they took me to the tub room right away.  I was encouraged and supported in my decision to deliver unmedicated.  I was one of the only laboring people on the floor at the time, and my precious nurse only had me on her schedule for the moment.  At one point Haisley was stuck and not coming down all the way.  The nurse helped me get into different positions and moved my body to help her come all the way down.  Looking at it now, I’m not sure that I would have had the same experience if it hadn’t been for her.  She knew just what to do to help my body birth the way I was wanting.  I was able to give birth in the birthing tub like I had wanted.
My second birth was… well not the same.  I started having contractions in Chuck E. Cheese while we were having our last date as a family of 3.  I was in denial and didn’t feel prepared.  I didn’t do the childbirth classes like I did with the first and felt overwhelmed. Even though I had given birth before it felt like the first time. I finally decided to tell my husband why I kept going to the bathroom and we headed home to get everything to head to the hospital.  Once I arrived the contractions were pretty close together and felt unmanageable.  Instead of the quick entry to the tub I was put in a room and rushed (at least it felt that way) to a bed for monitoring and an IV.  I felt out of control and that no one would listen to what I wanted, but found out later that I wasn’t actually verbalizing what I needed.  I didn’t have a birth plan handy or anything. Just going to do the same thing I had done the first time around.  The nurse I got this time was super pushy and told me to just get an epidural.  A complete contrast to my first nurse who supported me as a doula would.

I realized that my nurse for the first birth was a unicorn. Most of the time nurses are there the check vitals and make sure everything moves along.  I then decided that I wanted to help other women have the birth they desire, and be like the nurse from my first birth.


B.S. in Education (EC-6th Generalist, ESL)
From University of North Texas
BEST Certified Birth Doula
BEST Certified Postpartum Doula


BEST Certified Birth and Postpartum Doula

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